WOW! That was fast, I was not expecting this, this is such a big goal here...since it's my first time using Newgrounds to upload stuff.
Have been using Newgrounds for fun to play stuff years ago, or even playing on other sites, the most iconic things I could remember was the logo, everytime I see it on games I used to say "wow it is that site of the tank guy where people play games!", after some time I forgot the website for a long time. Then when Friday Night Funkin' released I saw some familiar stuff and went back to the site to try posting my art...in the start the things did not go well but after my first frontpage I could get and catch people attention for my work, even big people here! That's insane, I can't say how much I am thankful to Newgrounds AND Friday Night Funkin', both helped me to be where I am today, I meet cool people bc of the game and the site, even Tom, Funkin' Devs and cool faces on NG...holy moly...I gotta say thank for all support, it means the world!
Well, I will just continue to post my stuff, not to plan nothing really big or special ;)
I still wanna make that Newgrounds Custom Shirt a real thing, but idk how, I plan doing it for myself only...perhaps more people can buy it? Idk if someone would be interested on it, but we will see. Merch is also something I would like to do...
Anyways, thank you ^-^
- Abby.
are you bacun